ESG Report 2021-2022
ReadAs a critical Natural Gas Pipeline operator in India, we have an important role to play in supporting energy transition in the country. We remain committed on decarbonizing our operations, starting with low carbon, and eventually minimizing hard to abate emissions through technological innovation in adopting cleaner fuels.
Our approach at PIL has always been to protect the interest of our key stakeholders and gain their trust towards establishing a sustainable future. In this direction, we formalised our ESG journey and engaged with our stakeholders to identify Key Material issues. We have also set up systems and processes to track progress and plan tactical and strategic initiatives for achievement of our ESG commitments. The ESG Committee of the Board confirmed the Company’s ESG vision and longer-term goals and commitments, which established the ESG Blueprint. This has enabled the Company further to embed the various elements of “E”, “S” and “G” in key aspects of PIL operations.
For a Bright Future
PIL is dedicated to protecting the environment through mindful operations, focusing on Energy Conservation, GHG emissions, Waste & Water Management, and Responsible Asset Management. Eco-friendly practices like LED lights and solar panel installation help reduce environmental impact, and drip irrigation and bore well construction enable water conservation. Efforts to minimize GHG emissions include fuel optimization and pipeline monitoring with drones and tree plantation drives to further reduce the carbon footprint. The Company makes a conscious effort to minimize the effects of our operation while fulfilling the energy requirements of stakeholders.
Do the Right Thing
PIL upholds high ethical standards and transparency through a robust Ethical Governance Framework. It includes core policies like the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, Whistle-blower Policy, and Anti-bribery and Corruption Policy. These policies promote ethical behaviour, provide channels for reporting concerns, and prohibit retaliation against whistle-blowers. Regular training sessions and an Ethical Hotline further foster a culture of integrity. PIL's website hosts these policies, and an Ethics Committee is in place to address complaints and ethical dilemmas.